St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School


At St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School we fully adhere to the aims of the national curriculum for physical education. This is achieved through developing a fun, high-quality physical education provision, using the Get Set 4 PE curriculum, that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel individual’s abilities in competitive sports and other physically-demanding activities.

 Aims The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives.

Get Set 4 PE offers a wide range of sports for all children to access.

EYFS will learn: Fundamentals (gross motor skills), Dance, Gymnastics, Ball skills and Games.

Year 1 will learn: Fundamentals, Team building, Gymnastics, Yoga, Dance, Sending and Receiving, Fitness, Striking and Fielding, Athletics and Lacrosse.

Year 2 will learn: Team Building, Net and Wall Games, Invasion Games, Fundamentals, Gymnastics, Sending and Receiving, Ball Skills, Dance, Athletics, Lacrosse and Striking and Fielding.

Year 3 will learn: Ball Skills, Handball, Tag Rugby, Dance, Gymnastics, Fitness, Hockey, Lacrosse, Athletics, Tennis and Rounders

Year 4 will learn: Football, Fundamentals, Fitness, Dance, Gymnastics, Lacrosse, Swimming, Netball, Athletics, Cricket and OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities).

Year 5 will learn: Tag Rugby, Hockey, Yoga, Lacrosse, Gymnastics, Dance, Fitness, Swimming, Tennis, Rounders and Athletics.

Year 6 will learn: Football, Lacrosse, Yoga, Fitness, Gymnastics, Dance, OAA, Netball, Swimming, Cricket and Athletics.

The progression of knowledge and skills is clearly mapped across all year groups from EYFS through to Year 6.

We will provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health, fitness and mental well-being. Our children will have opportunities to compete in sport and other activities that build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. These include our Deanery events of Football, Cross-Country and Rounders.

Children in year 4 and 5 have a term of swimming, with year 6 having lessons to ensure they have the ability to swim 25 metres - for those who can, Life Saving and Safety in the water is offered.

Children in year 5 and 6 are offered the opportunity to receive training and become Play Leaders. This provides them with a chance to have real responsibility of playtime activities, leading activities with the younger children. Play leaders also assist in the running of Deanery events, Race for Life the Deanery Cross-Country event held at St Mary Magdalene.

PE is an imperative element of the curriculum, which develops a need for healthy life styles, a balanced diet, positive growth mind-set and the resilience to persevere with activities that may be once have felt too difficult.

We are passionate about the need to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others, as part of a team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values. As a Catholic school, we understand the importance of charity so also raise money by taking part in national events such as Race for Life.