At Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School, we believe that every pupil regardless of their social and economic background, religion, ethnicity or Special Education Need, has the right to a high quality education. The high standard of education is underpinned by the school’s commitment to ensure that pupils feel nurtured and respected. This intent underpins every aspect of learning. Staff throughout the school are committed to ensure that pupil progress is good at each stage of their school life and that pupils are equipped to access the next stage of their learning.
School Values
Our school has a strong principle of Inclusion and nurture and this is evident through our school values which underpin our curriculum and allow our pupils to build a deep and meaningful understanding of the Gospel values and also the values that Britain supports. These are: Compassion, Diversity, Respect, Courage, Responsibility and Freedom.
We aim to ensure that pupils leave our school with a clear understanding of these values and how to demonstrate them throughout their lives. We enable pupils to develop these skills by ensuring that Inclusion and Nurture is at the forefront of everything we do. We believe that pupil’s emotional and social development is essential for them to progress academically. The school invests in this through the implementation of Unicef’s Rights Respecting award, Gospel Values and our Nurture, Inclusion and Special Educational Needs provision. These values underpin the curriculum, which has been designed to be ambitious, authentic, relevant and to inspire enthusiasm for learning. Making learning memorable and rich allows pupils to fully embed the knowledge and skills to allow maximum progress and to support pupil well-being and happiness.
Individualised support
St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School provides a highly inclusive environment where learners enjoy their education. Pupils at all levels are helped to achieve their potential. Those who are most able are challenged, encouraged to expand and deepen their skills and knowledge through varied curriculum opportunities. Those who find learning more difficult are encouraged and given targeted support to embed skills, to develop at their own pace and to learn in a style that best suits their individual needs. This approach provides pupils’ opportunities to build resilience and learn without limits. St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School never puts a ceiling on learning and all are encouraged to show their resilience, ambition and confidence by pushing boundaries.