St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School


Admissions 2024-2025

The Governors of St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School have agreed on their Admissions arrangements for 2024 - 2025. 

For admissions in September 2024, the deadline for applications is 15th January 2024. 

For information regarding the application process and open days, please click here

Please click here for our Determined Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Please click here for our Determined Supplementary Information Form 2024-2025


If the School has more applications than places, parents whose child has not been allocated a place may appeal. Appeals will be considered by an Independent Appeal Panel set up in accordance with the Department for Education Appeals code.

Anyone wishing to make an appeal should submit a letter to the Chair of Governors via the school at the address below by 15 May 2024.  

Appeals will be heard within 30 school days of your letter being received. Parents will be given at least 10 school days written notice of the date of the appeal hearing.

Appeals should be submitted to:

The Chair of the Board of Governors,
St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School,
Hastings Road, 
East Sussex, TN40 2ND

Any additional information in support of an appeal should be submitted at least 7 working days before the date of the hearing. Additional submissions (additional evidence to support your appeal) received after this deadline will still be forwarded on, but it will be for the Independent Appeal Panel to decide whether to accept any submissions received after the deadline.

Please follow this link for additional information on appeals:

Click Here

Admissions 2025-2026

The Governors of St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School have agreed on their Admissions arrangements for 2025-2026. 

The Governing Body of St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School wish to clarify how faith-based oversubscription criteria for Catholic applicants will be interpreted for admission of pupils in September 2025.

On the advice of the Education Service of the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton the governing body of St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School has agreed the following statement in order to clarify how its faith-based oversubscription criteria will be interpreted whilst churches are closed or attendance at church is not possible due to COVID19. This statement has been shared widely with local parishes in order to ensure that determinations made by parish priests concerning regular practice of the faith are being made on a consistent basis.

The suspension of the obligation to attend Sunday Mass was announced on 18th March 2020 by Bishops' Conference of England and Wales. If a parent/carer attended Mass at a particular parish (or parishes) prior to 18th March 2020 then they will be considered to have attended Mass in that parish (or parishes) regularly since that time. This will remain the case until the Sunday obligation is reintroduced by the Bishops.

Please click here for our Determined Admissions Policy 2025-2026

Please click here for our Determined Supplementary Information Form 2025-2026

For information regarding the application process with East Sussex County Council Admissions, please click here.