St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School

Let Your Light Shine (Matthew 5:16)

Welcome to St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary

St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School is a successful and happy parish school, situated in the beautiful coastal town of Bexhill-on-Sea. As a Christian community in the Catholic tradition, we will nurture your child and care for them in the spirit of Gospel values through the love and forgiveness of Christ and the teachings of the Church.

Our staff provide an array of different learning opportunities, including visits, visitors, events and activities so that children are inspired to learn and to discover what is important to them as unique individuals.

Full Welcome
St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary


Mission Statement
Let your Light Shine
God made each one of us – we are all His unique disciples and His love is the love we share.
We share our God given gifts and talents.
We RESPECT each other’s differences and welcome DIVERSITY, celebrating and sharing our God given gifts and talents.
We show COMPASSION and friendship for others in school, at home, in our local community and for our global family.
We have the COURAGE and hope to face any challenges and follow our dreams.
We are given the FREEDOM to make the most of every learning experience we have and be the very best we can be.
We welcome the RESPONSIBILITY of being stewards of God’s wonderful gift of creation and caring for our common home.
We place Jesus at the centre of all we do, growing in our Faith through our heads, hearts and hands.